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The Gift in the Holy Year of Mercy Jubilee 2016.

An extraordinary journey to the Vatican City - Rome, Italy through the lense of René Langer Photography.

Even though on most of the places at the Vatican City cameras and tripods are not allowed, I got the opportunity to take some stunning pictures.

This summer, on my birthday, my wife surprised me with a trip to Rome, and we got a chance to visit the Vatican City. I've always been interested in the myths of the Vatican and of course, I fell in love with this place although I´m not a believer (within the meaning of the church). But you don´t have to be a believer to see and feel all the beauty and magic of this venue. Even though on most of the places at the Vatican City cameras and tripods are not allowed, I got the opportunity to take some stunning pictures. I’m very happy to share with you my impressions and insights of this remarkable and unique place.

If you ever visit the Vatican in Rome, here´s a guide for you. All the basics you should know about this remarkable and unique place.

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